Site Selection: Lot 6. 1303 Montgomery or Lot 5. 1300-06 Montgomery or Lot 3 1318-24 Warren

Concept & Team Summary:

We plan to use current sustainability methods to design and create orchards that are a long-term, self- sustaining solution for St. Louis’ vacant land.

Transforming vacant land into ascetically pleasing and productive environments that give back to the community in the form of fresh, nutritious, healthy fruit can help to make city neighborhoods, safer, cleaner and more appealing, resulting in a better quality of life as well as improved property values and the generation of additional tax revenue for the City of St. Louis. In addition to giving back to the community, our orchards will have a charitable component where a portion of the harvest is shared with local food banks.

Our team includes Master Gardners as well as city residents that see vacant land not as a plague, but as sites full of potential.

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