Site Selection: LOT 5. 1300-06 Montgomery Street

Concept & Team Summary:

The “Birds and Bees” design concept is to develop a low maintenance native perennial planting area that could be used and enjoyed by the local community. Plant selection would focus on native plants requiring minimal maintenance after establishment and flowers attractive to bees. The plan would solicit a bee keeper to set hives within a secured fenced area installed under this project. The garden would include a central soft surface path for access and strolling. Areas would be available for volunteer gardener to raise flowers on the Yin side of the garden and herbs on the Yang side. In subsequent competition submittals, volunteer partners will be identified and solicited, including the public, Haven of Grace women shelter and senior housing. Potentially the honey, cut flowers and fresh herbs could be sold at the local Old North Co-op market. Based on community interest, potting and growing benches could be incorporated to grow small plants for sale. A portable cart could take cut flowers, fresh cut herbs and small potted plants to N. 14th Street (on the weekend) and offer them for sale. The cut flower plantings, growing benches and the sales cart can be adapted as community interest and talent allow.

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