Site Selection: 2613 N 14th Street

Concept & Team Summary:

Develop and test an urban typology for power generation, storm water management, economic development, food systems, and especially, community engagement within the cloud. We propose a new form of urban identity, the CLOUD drop, which builds a multi-centered city in response to the Internet Age. Internet technology is constantly reshaping the way we interact at a personal level. Though we communicate with greater ease across ever-greater distances, we interact less frequently with those in closer proximity…unless the urban form adapts to encourage a greater density of social exchange.

Individual droplets are small communities that coalesce into the larger urban cloud. New urban forms need to be self-reliant but also connected to the global economy and community.

This is CLOUD drop. It takes our propensity to relate individually through the cloud and puts us into a physical space that is anchored to a community of people.

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